The Deets
SFR | 3 beds 2 baths | 1537 sf
Corte Madera - Chapman Park
5 Offers
Close Date July 2021
Corte Madera - Chapman Park
5 Offers
Close Date July 2021
Real-Time Experience
Holy Moly was this a whirlwind! Kind of. Sherrie came to me of the mind to buy a home so she could be nearer to her family in Marin. In total, I think it was quite a few years that I kept up with her to inform her of offerings that matched her requirements. Now I don't usually do this and Sherrie knows what she asked for was a super challenge. This was her criteria. Modern Modern Modern. It had to be modern. With a very specific aesthetic. Very clean. No texture on the walls. Lots of light. Not near water and not in Mill Valley (too cold). The neighborhood had to support walking dogs. The size of the house was not so much an issue. Phew, I'm tired of just writing all that. In total, we offered one house. We looked at a couple of others but ended up with one option.
There were 5 - Five offers. Folks this house was listed for $2.5M and there were 4 other offerers. In this case, Sherrie did a no-BS offer and put everything on the table. All cash, Fast close, no contingencies. It gives me the chills